1 Personal Data 2 Your Exchange Program 3 Further contact information 4 Your Japanese Level 5 Password First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * Date of Birth * Street * Zip Code * State * Native Language * Marital Status * Single Married Widowed Divorced Religion * BuddhismChristianityHinduismIslamJudaismOther/Not specified Place of Birth * Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc. City * Nationality * Occupation * EmployedStudentUnemployed Job Title * Employer/Company * Street * Zip Code * City * Type of Education * Middle School, High School, Community College, Vocational School, Graduate School... Name of your School * Street * Zip Code * City * Next Your Exchange Program Osaka Language Study Program (ECC Kokusai College of Foreign Languages) Image https://nipponcademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/東京-9.webp currency € Your Language School ECC Kokusai College of Foreign Languages Your Destination Osaka Status [1/7] We are currently checking the availability of your desired exchange program. We will get back to you shortly. Passbild Nicht benötigt Reisepass Bitte hochladen Letztes Schulzeugnis Nicht benötigt Gehaltsnachweis Nicht benötigt Kontoauszug Nicht benötigt Antragsformular für den Schuleintritt Nicht benötigt Vorstellungsbogen für Gastfamilien Nicht benötigt Mietvertrag Nicht benötigt Zusatzunterlagen Nicht benötigt Schulplan https://eurasialinkuplissonug490-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/nipponcademy_eurasialinkupnipponcademy_onmicrosoft_com/EaAtVMcEtfRAtd0O4uDm10wBAm_oX567lUAuuOgX0UJlEA?e=fienrt Unterlagen benötigt required Visumantrag Für das Touristenvisum ist kein Visumantrag notwendig. Du bekommst das Visum direkt bei deiner Ankunft in Japan am Flughafen in deinen Reisepass gestempelt. Schulschluss Under Review Einzugstermin Under Review Auszugstermin Under Review Rent Rental price according to the price table in the program description. The exact rental price is calculated to the day and determined after the accommodation has been allocated approx. 2 months before departure. Anschrift Here you will find the address of your accommodation. Starting Date * 2025-01-082025-04-072025-07-032025-10-062026-01-07 The date indicates the day of your first day of school. You can arrive and move into your accommodation on any day within 5 days before the start of school. Visa * Tourist VisaWorking Holiday Visa Duration of Stay Weeks Since there are no classes during Japanese vacation periods and holidays, please check the school calendar in the program description to determine the end date. 10 school weeks correspond to 3 months and 20 school weeks correspond to 6 months. Price € 0.00 Duration of Stay Months Since there are no classes during Japanese vacation periods and holidays, please check the school calendar in the program description to determine the end date. 10 school weeks correspond to 3 months and 20 school weeks correspond to 6 months. Price C$ 0.00 Accommodation Preference * I Will Arrange My Own AccommodationShare HouseHomestaySingle Apartment Rental prices according to the program description. The rental price is calculated to the exact day as agreed with us. Would you like to be picked up from the airport upon arrival? * No Yes Price C$ 0.00 Pick-up available at Osaka International Airport or Itami Airport. Back Next Emergency Contact * Please provide the name of a close person who can be contacted if anything should happen to you. Don't worry, this has never happened before. 🙂 What is your relationship to this person? * MotherFatherGrandmotherGrandfatherBrotherSisterSpousePartnerFriendOther Email Address * Phone Number * Address * Back Next How do you assess your Japanese language skills? * I have never learned Japanese beforeI know Hiragana & KatakanaIn addition to Hiragana & Katakana, I know around 50 wordsIn addition to Hiragana & Katakana, I know more than 100 wordsI can already introduce myself and know basic sentence structuresI have been studying Japanese for a while and am working towards JLPT N5My Japanese skills are beyond JLPT N5 What has been the best way for you to engage with the Japanese language so far? * I haven’t learned any Japanese yetI watch Japanese animeI regularly study with books or appsI attend Japanese language courses Since when have you been studying Japanese? * Have you ever passed a Japanese language test? * NoJLPT N5JLPT N4JLPT N3JLPT N2JLPT N1 Back Next General Health Condition * Very goodNormalNot so goodPoor Health questions are routinely asked by the school and authorities. You do not need a medical certificate and can assess your health condition yourself. Are you currently undergoing treatment or therapy? * No Yes Are you currently taking prescription medications or have you taken any in the past few years? * No Yes Have you had any surgeries or hospitalizations in the past few years? * No Yes Do you suffer from any chronic or infectious diseases? Tuberculosis Mental Illness Allergies/Asthma Malaria or similar infectious diseases Diabetes Others IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, PLEASE PROVIDE DETAILS ABOUT THE ILLNESS AND TIME PERIOD. LANGUAGE SCHOOLS REQUIRE THIS INFORMATION FROM EVERY APPLICANT Are you vaccinated? List all the vaccinations you know you have received. Tuberculosis (BCG) Covid-19 MMR Polio Measles Rubella Diphtheria Tetanus Meningococcal Others Is there anything else you would like to share with us? We will get in touch with you shortly and will then have enough time to discuss all the details. 🙂 I hereby accept the General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and the Cancellation Policy. Agree Back Start your Adventure!